Old House and front garden

The front garden fence keeps out the wallabies and  bandicoots.

Produce includes sweet potatoes, asparagus, spring onions,

Old House

This is the original farm house, built in 1916, and verandahs on the southern and western side have been enclosed.

The layout is shown below, click to enlarge.

It has been owned by several families and was rented out for a number of years.

The house has been recovered but has not been restored to original state. Some tenants sold internal fittings including  doors and mantle pieces over fireplaces!

Photographs of the rooms are shown in the tab "old house" at the top of the blog

courtyard between houses

The new house is linked to the old house by a pergola, to conform with Nambucca Shire council rules

It can provide spectacular views

rainbow to south of houses

more photos in tab at top of blog

New House

The "new house" is an extension of the original house completed in 1999, under the rules of Nambucca Shire Council.

Below is a plan of the layout and photographs are presented in the tab "new House at the top of  the blog

Bottom shed and netted garden

To the west of the old house is a timber shed, consisting of 4 rooms. Dimensions 9 metres by 6 metres.

Built about the same time as the old house it provides work shop space for gardening and maintenance of the property.

At the back of the shed are located two water tanks each of 22,000 litre capacity and linked to the top tank (drinking water) and provide water to the old house, but can be switched to serve the new house.

Adjacent to the shed is a shade cloth protected area and a protected  garden netted with aviary wire. 11 metres  by 4 metres.

Permanent Spring and Rain Forest 1

In the valley to the east of the new house is a rainforest with a water hole fed by a permanent spring. Using a petrol driven fire pump water can be pumped up to the tank at the rear of the new house.

spring and water hole

water pu,p

rain forest valley
rain forest valley

Rain Forest 2 and Palm Tree Glade

About 1 kilometre east of the new house on the southern boundary is a rain forest with old rain forest trees and bangalow palms.

The Magestic Flooded Gum we call "Rex" at the entrance to the rainforest

The stream flows after rainfall

roots and stream flow

Palm Tree Glade

On leaving the rain forest you will enter a glade which is a cleared area which leads to the track rising up to  main logging track providing access to the back country - Photographs are included in tab above.

Back Country

A large part of the property is forest several kilometres from the house.

The track which was the main logging track is up to 6 metres wide and has survived for 25 years and with the canopy growing over has limited the weed activity.

Photos of this area are included in a tab at the top of the blog called "back country" - which is currently under development (March 2019)